‘Of All The Things’ Crowdfunding Launches During Hoarding Awareness Week

Written by Esmé Sensibar & Bella Tomlinson
Photography by
Adam Shaw

Sam Wainman from Clouds End CIC opens the event 📷©AdamShaw

As Hoarding Awareness Week celebrates its 10th anniversary, Kino Bino Animation Studio in Leicester held a Hoarding Awareness Event and launched a crowdfunding campaign for their animated short film, ‘Of All The Things’ supported by the BFI NETWORK and part-funded by the National Lottery. Directed by Steff Lee, who had the idea for the film after her own lived experience, wants the film to shed light on the often misunderstood and isolating condition of hoarding disorder.

The launch event at Phoenix Independent Cinema and Arts Centre, gathered influential figures from hoarding support services and research networks, including Jo Cooke and Paul Cooper from Hoarding Disorders UK, Sam Wainman from Clouds End CIC, Jav Shirazi from Leicester Fire & Rescue Service, Dr Stuart Whomsley from the British Psychological Society, and Dr. Victoria Ruby-Granger from DMU. During the speeches, Jav Shirazi highlighted the role of Leicester's Hoarding Support Peer Group in educating the fire service through personal stories from the hoarding community.

Jo Cooke urged us all to have curious, non-judgemental conversations and was quick to dismantle misconceptions, stating "Hoarding disorder is not a lifestyle choice. It is not a moral failing or poor housekeeping. It is a complex mental health condition."

Director, Steff Lee, and Producer, Bella Tomlinson - introduce the ‘Of All The Things’ crowdfunding video 📷©AdamShaw

Character Development Artwork from ‘Of All Of The Things’ 📷©AdamShaw

After viewing the crowdfunding video for ‘Of All The Things’, Sam Wainman from Clouds End CIC remarked, “It’s so exciting as a resource for professionals and broader community members to increase awareness and understanding.”

Dr Stuart Whomsley, of the British Psychological Society commented "The last ten years has seen good progress in raising awareness of the impact of hoarding for the individual and their family. This animated film would be a fantastic resource for continuing that endeavour."

Hoarding Awareness Week organisers & panellists. Left to right: Sam Wainman, Bella Tomlinson, Jo Cooke, Steff Lee, Paul Cooper, Victoria Ruby-Grander, Stuart Whomsley, Jav Shirazi 📷©AdamShaw

The event also featured a panel discussion and Q&A session, sparking essential conversations about hoarding, a condition often hidden and isolating. Hoarding disorder is more common than OCD and schizophrenia combined, but diagnosis is challenging and typically requires coordinated support from multiple health and social care services. Paul Cooper emphasized the widespread need for hoarding awareness, noting, “Our online support groups are attended from as far afield as Canada.” Dr. Victoria Ruby-Granger highlighted the importance of listening to those impacted by hoarding and the necessity of ongoing research.

‘Of All The Things’ aims to offer a compassionate, multi-perspective view on hoarding, challenging the shaming narratives often seen in media portrayals. Steff Lee’s journey from seeking support for her mother to creating this film underscores the need for increased awareness and empathy. The event was a significant step in uniting service providers and community members to support those affected by hoarding disorder. 

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Information stands from APDO, AGE UK, The Fire Service, Hoarding Disorders UK, the local NHS Social Prescribing Team, and the British Psychological Society provided valuable resources to the attendees. 



Attendees included representatives from the social housing sector, East Midlands Fire Services, social workers, housing officers, film lovers, and individuals with lived experience of hoarding. Katherine Goodwin, Housing & Income Services Manager at Greatwell Homes, commented, "The event was insightful, especially hearing directly from those with hoarding experiences." Lois Wright from Lead Balloon Animation studio added “The message is powerful and I feel it will resonate with many people watching it. It's great to see more awareness for hoarding disorder being brought forward.” Another guest stated, “This event has brought empathy back to my work.”

Kino Bino’s crowdfund campaign will be running until the 7th July