'Of All The Things' Production Update

The team has started on a rough cut of the film, combining backgrounds and characters together, testing rigs, and preparing everything for animation production. Animator Imogen Scoppie will be back with us helping with some beautiful frame-by-frame animation for a very special sequence in the film.

NEW SPOnsors join the production

We are pleased to announce that our latest sponsors are the wonderful Jigsaw HomesIdeal Services Group, Peabody, and WBR Group. A further new sponsor will join us very soon!

film socials

Our executive producer Brungerley has kindly set up some new film-specific socials for us. Follow Of All The Things over on Instagram and Facebook.

animated women

Thanks to the team at Animated Women for giving a shout-out to the film in their AGM. We appreciate the support.

The crowdfund is still active for anyone who missed the chance to contribute last time - with many rewards available!

Thank you for being part of this journey. We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.